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Shaded Lines

The Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), Los Angeles, CA

Four vertical stones support one cap stone. The four vertical stones are of similar size. They are all oriented east-west. Each stone is treated separately in the construction of the dolmen. The front, top, and side outlines of each stone is extruded and the intersection is found.

The dolmen is one and a half times longer than it is high and one and a half times longer than it is wide. The vertical stones are spaced far enough apart to create an easily accessible opening under the cap stone. The interior is not easily defined by the four stones, as they only enclose two of the four normative sides to the dolmen. The dolmen operates in three dimensions. Only through manipulated drawing can the dolmen be understood as closed.




Anna Neimark

with Lucy Li, Peter Park, and Kirsten Wehrenberg-Klee


December 2013

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